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• Baumann, K. A., Scholl, E. A., Rantala, H. M. and Whiles, M. R. Macroinvertebrate community responses to disturbance in a fragmented river with contrasting legacies of alteration. (2024) River Research and Applications

• Johnson, M. F., Albertson, L. K., Algar, A. C., Dugdale, S., Edwards, P., England, J., Gibbins, C., Kazama, S., Komori, D., Maccoll, A. D. C., Scholl, E. A., Wilby, R., Roque F. O., Wood, P. (2024) Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience. WIREs water

Scholl, E. A., Hanus, K.R., Gardner, T., and Kennedy T.A. (2024) Effects of warming on leaf decomposition are mediated by multiple other environmental factors and stressors in a large regulated river Ecosphere

Scholl, E. A., Cross, W. F., Guy, C. S, Dutton, A.D., and Junker J.R. (2024) Landscape diversity promotes stable food web architectures in large rivers. Ecology letters

Scholl, E. A., Cross, W. F., & Guy, C. S. (2023). Geomorphology shapes relationships between animal communities and ecosystem function in large rivers. Oikos, e09431.


Scholl, E. A., Cross, W. F., Baxter, C. V., & Guy, C. S. (2021). Uncovering process domains in large rivers: Patterns and potential drivers of benthic substrate heterogeneity in two North American riverscapes. Geomorphology, 375, 107524.


• D’Andrilli, J., Junker, J. R., Smith, H. J., Scholl, E. A., & Foreman, C. M. (2019). DOM composition alters ecosystem function during microbial processing of isolated sources. Biogeochemistry, 142(2), 281-298.

Scholl, E. A., Rantala, H. M., Whiles, M. R., & Wilkerson, G. V. (2016). Influence of flow on community structure and production of snag‐dwelling macroinvertebrates in an impaired low‐gradient river. River Research and Applications, 32(4), 677-688.

• Guy, C. S., Treanor, H. B., Kappenman, K. M., Scholl, E. A., Ilgen, J. E., & Webb, M. A. (2015). Broadening the regulated-river management paradigm: a case study of the forgotten dead zone hindering Pallid Sturgeon recovery. Fisheries, 40(1), 6-14.

Other publications:


• Bridget Deemer, Ian Bishop, Charles Yackulic, Eric Scholl, Kimberly Dibble, Drew Eppehimer, Lindsay Hansen, Theodore Kennedy, Eric Frye, Tom Sabol, Robert Hall, Sasha Reed, Dan Buscombe, Mike Yard, Bob Tusso, David Topping, David Ward. 2024. Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Triennial Budget and Work Plan – Fiscal Years 2025-2027. Project E: Controls on Ecosystem Productivity: Nutrients, Flow, and Temperature.

• Theodore A. Kennedy, Kathrine Behn, Anya Metcalfe, Morgan Ford, Eric Scholl, Cheyenne Szydlo, David Lytle, Jeffrey Muehlbauer. 2024. Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Triennial Budget and Work Plan – Fiscal Years 2025-2027. Project F: Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology

• Scholl, E.A., Ford , M., Kennedy, T.A., Yackulic, C., Zuellig, R., Carlisle, D. and D. Kowalski. 2023. “Preliminary results of upper Colorado River basin tailwaters project”. Annual Report of Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

• Scholl, E.A., Kennedy, T.A., Hanus, K.R., and Gardner, T.W., 2023, Environmental, biological, and leaf litter decomposition data in the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam between 1998 and 2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


• Scholl, E.A., Cross, W.F., Junker, J.R., MacDonald, M.J., Sanchez-Ruiz, J.A., Tumolo, B.B. and Whiles, M.R., 2020. Are human remediation efforts responsible for increases in insect abundance? e-letter response to VanKlink e tal. 2020 Science 

• Cross, W.F., Henderson, K.A., Junker, J.R. and Scholl, E.A., 2020. Secondary Production. Oxford University Press.


• Scholl, E.A., Dutton, A.J., Cross, W.F. and Guy, C.S., 2019. Density of pallid sturgeon and food web dynamics in the Missouri River: Inferences regarding carrying capacity and density-dependent response of pallid sturgeon to the contemporary stocking protocol. Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.

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